Intermediate Workshop – March 12 +13, 2016

Posted on February 1, 2016 in News

Natalie Salminen Rude_studio


Join me this spring for an intimidate encaustic workshop at the Duluth Art Institute. We will spend March 12 + 13, 2016, from 9-4 each day, reviewing the basic techniques of encaustic and moving forward into our unique expressions. We will discuss gold leaf additions, texture, mixed media and appropriate fusing. Don’t miss this class – let it propel you into a new creative space and a truer expression of your artistic self.




Intermediate Encaustic
Natalie Salminen Rude
Saturday and Sunday, March 12 & 13
$250 ($300 non-members) + $45 supply fee paid to instructor
Lincoln Center for Arts Education – Duluth Art Institute
Explore techniques beyond the basics of encaustic, while refining previous encaustic knowledge. Morning demos include building texture, exploring gold leaf, and continued use of the torch and mixed media collage. Afternoons reserved for developing your own work. Intermediate level. Space is limited.


To register, click here.

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